Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Cleaning for Your Body-Cleanse and Revitalize

Happy Spring!  The birds are chirping, tulips are in full bloom, sun is shining here and there and it’s the season for good ole spring-cleaning.   I’m not just talking about your living space.  It’s also a time to cleanse and revitalize your body from the inside out.  So, get ready to wipe off the cobwebs and wake up from your winter slumber. 

One of my favorite ways to rejuvenate my body and welcome the birth of spring is by adding green foods to my diet.  You know, the green leafy veggies that we’ve all heard are good for us.   Here’s a quick and easy, no-fuss recipe that will help you incorporate greens into your daily diet.   Eat them all by themselves and dress them with your favorite vinaigrette or use them to finish off salads, soups, scrambled eggs, stir-fries, etc.   See my recipe below.

Quick & Easy 5 Min Greens
Leafy green vegetables are nutritional powerhouses that are a rich source of phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.  Pressing greens with salt is a fast and easy way to have greens on-hand and ready-to-eat for a busy week ahead.  Once prepared these tasty greens will keep for a week in your fridge and are ready to be added to salads, soups, grains, eggs, stir-fries or anything else you can think of!

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Yield: 1.5-2 cups

1 bunch sturdy greens such as dinosaur kale, Swiss chard or collards
¾-1 teaspoon sea salt

1-2 teaspoons organic extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon fresh squeezed lemon juice (optional)

Wash and de-stem greens.  Stack leaves on top of one another, roll tightly and cut into thin ribbons.  Massage greens with salt in a large preparation bowl for about 2 minutes.  Greens should shrink by half the volume. Then, squeeze the greens and discard the juices that come out of them.  Add kale to a clean glass storage container and top with oil and lemon juice.

Copyright 2010, S. Sammartino, Original recipe

You can also watch me prepare my Quick and Easy 5 Minute Greens and spring forward into a new you.  

Your next step is to post a reply below and let me know which green foods are some of your favs and what other foods you’re interested in learning more about.  If you like what you see here, don't forget to hit the "Follow" button on the right side bar to stay up-to-date.  

Yours In Cooking & In Health,
Siona :)

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great tip for incorporating greens into variety of dishes. Enjoyed the video and look forward to seeing more!

